Bringing Up Bilingual Babies

Enriching the Lives of Children and Families through
Non-Native Bilingual Parenting
Success Stories
All families who are attempting to introduce a new language and culture to their children are enjoying success. Some parents may feel like they are not doing enough and are therefore failing. However, the fact that these parents are making a concerted effort means that they are invested in their children. And any family where the parents are lovingly invested in the success of their children is a Success Story!

Below is a list of families who are raising their children in a language which neither parent speaks natively. I would love to add more families to my list. If you would like to be added to this list, please fill out the form. Thank you.
Check Out These Families who are Raising Their Children in a Language that is Foreign to Both Parents!
Husband Native Language
Wife Native LanguageNon-Native Target Language for ChildrenLink or Contact
Brad and KristineEnglishEnglishFrenchBlog
Paul and ReneeEnglishEnglishFrenchBlog
Bernt and KarolaGermanGermanEnglishBilingual Upbringing of Children by Non-native Speakers
Geoff and TamaraEnglishEnglishGermanNon-Native Bilingualism
MicheleEnglish & ThaiEnglishFrench
SarahEnglishEnglishFrenchBringing Up Baby Bilingual
Bonne MamanEnglishEnglishFrenchOur Non-Native Bilingual Adventure
JonathanEnglishEnglishWelshDad's the Way I Like It
KateDutchEnglishGermanGerman in the Afternoon
MikeEnglishEnglishSpanishThe Bilingual Baby Blog
Gavin & TaraEnglishEnglishSpanishBilingual Adventures